Quote of the day:

Jandro was thirsty so he said:

"My throat is perched. "

The Meaty Lasagna
We know sports, we know food, we know life.
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Hint # 1 : I went to Notre Dame.
Hint # 2 : I was undrafted out of college.  I play for a team currently in season.

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jen305 6
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The T-Shirt Butt Follow-Up

I FINALLY CAUGHT A FREAKING T-SHIRT! Must have been fate.  Not only did I catch this shweet Heat tee, but rubber banded to the shirt were two FREE tickets to the following nights MFA fight. 

A double whammy!  I score a shirt AND two  FREE tickets to something that I promised myself I would never...EVER...pay for. More on this story to come.

Special thanks to our new super model Flave!  She has a nice rack.
BP, 12.16.08
Quick Commentary
As many of you know, the Automobile Industry CEO’s showed up to Washington to ask for a bailout? What is a bailout exactly? Basically, the public has to give money to these rich guys because they were too stupid to do their job correctly. For years we’ve known that Detroit was in trouble, yet nothing was done. Obviously there was a problem. Just like the Real Estate Industry. People act surprised when the garbage man that was given a 110% loan, no questions asked, defaulted. Whatever.

What made this bailout request even more newsworthy, was that the CEO’s showed up in private jets. Geniuses. Let’s show up to ask for public money in private Jets that cost about $200k per trip to run. They were scolded by Congress because of this, not to mention the fact that they had no specific dollar figure that would help save the industry. They were told to come back later with a plan.

Now, fast forward to yesterday/today. The CEO’s showed up to the meetings not in private jets, but in hybrid cars. How stupid do they think we are? Oh look, they’re riding in environmentally safe cars. They learned their lesson. Give them some money. Fantastic. I’m moving to Canada to hang out with BP’s family.

Jandro, 12.5.08
The T-Shirt Butt

I went to the Heat game again the other day with a couple of buddies.   We had pretty decent seats- 18th row behind the basket next to the Heat bench.  This is a prime spot to get free shirts that the Heat dancers throw out.  I have NEVER caught a shirt, nothing has ever really even come close enough to me to even reach for. This time I was determined to catch a shirt.  I was going to scratch and claw my way into the mosh pit of shirt grabbers and steal the shirt from whoever came up with it, be it man, woman, or child.  I would have no shame.

So the dancers start throwing out shirts and I look around to see if any of them reach our row. As I scan I see a shirt bounce off a guy about four rows in front of me.  This dude had a huge ass, like Professor Klump from Nutty Professor huge. As he bent down to pick up the shirt his jean shorts fell about three inches below his butt-crack leaving the Grand Canyon in plain view for all to see.  I took out my phone to get ready to take a picture for the next time he bent over.  He bent over to pick up his beer and as I was taking the picture a dancer launched a shirt right across my face and the guy next to me caught it with no problem.  OF COURSE THAT WOULD HAPPEN!

Moral of the story: Don't take pictures of a guys huge ass during a t-shirt toss.

BP, 11.27.08
An Inconvenient Poop
All of us have been there.  That time you really just "had to go."  It didn't matter where you were or what you were doing.  My morning Cinnamon Toast Crunch and 6" turkey sub I ate for lunch just caught up with me.  Except I wasn't in my apartment, not at a friend's place, I was in the law library.  For those of you who don't know, the law library is one of the worst places to, you know.  There are people EVERYWHERE and no matter which bathroom you go to, there will always be that person who watches you go in and watches you come out.  What was she doing, timing me?  So anyway, like anyone in my situation would do, I work my way over to the bathroom and obviously there were 2 cute girls from my class at the table right outside.  Great.  No matter, I've got more important things to worry about.  Walk inside, fantastic, the normal stall is occupied, leaving the handicapped stall all for me.  Won't go into this, Larry David has done an ample job.  The one thing you can count on is that at least there won't be many people inside the bathroom, I'm sure they have the same concerns as me.  Not today.  I hear the door open and close, Jesus, someone is waiting on me.  So I do my business, nothing to write home about.   I wash my hands (handicapped stall) and proceed to open the door allowing the next nervous student to do what he does.  Except, it isn't another student, it is my Professor.  And I just left his class.  And I had him last year too.  We make immediate eye contact, then suddenly simultaneously realizing who each other was, lower our heads and walk swiftly.  Did I make noises when I was in there?  Did everything flush properly?  Is this going to affect my grade?  Should I apologize?  Hundreds of questions run through my mind but only one truth: It was an inconvenient poop.
Heffrey, Guest Writer, 11.19.08
He Got Crabs

I haven't seen that much vomit since junior year of high school. I went to the Dolphins game today with a couple of friends of mine. My buddy Fuego (that isn't his real name) was a funneling champion. He was the Michael Phreakin' Phelps of funneling. He challenged some dude to a double funnel.  I haven't seen this kid drink like that in ages, he must have downed about 10 brewskis before the game.

After the game our tailgating friends next to us handed out leftover crab legs to everyone. Fuego proceeded to scarf down 20 legs and funneled another four beers. Thirty minutes later in the parking lot of a strip club Fuego unleashed the fury, crab legs spewed all over the floor.  It was so nasty.



BP, 11.16.08
The Game

To those of us who play golf, we know it is not as easy as everyone thinks, it is not as stupid as everyone thinks, and you don't HAVE to wear funny clothing to play.  But one thing it really is, is just like the game of Women.  There are many similarities that not many people know exist.  Are these coincidences that society has just overlooked or are these actually divine properties and similarities that are created on purpose by whoever put us here?  I'll let you decide because I already have.

Let's go one step at a time.  Golf...Girl...both start with a "G"...both are four letters...coincidence?...maybe...let's keep going.

The game of golf is played on a surface where the grass length is variable from really short (the green) to really long (the rough).  The green is the easiest and most fun surface to play on.  Such can be said about the grass on a certain body part, it is definitely much easier and more fun when the grass is short.  When you are in the rough, or the grass is really long, it is almost impossible to find your ball and you can spend almost 10 minutes looking around for that diamond in the rough.  

Let's go some more.

The terrain.  For those of us who play, a course that has some rolling hills here and some rolling hills there is a fun course to play.  A completely flat golf course is no fun-- it requires very little course management, very little strategy.  It is boring.  On a female body, flatness can also be a little boring.  Nothing to manage your game plan around, nothing to include in your strategy on the way down to the green.  Some curves and hills here and there make a fun girl to play with.

Even further- the nicer the golf course, the more expensive it is to play on it.  If you were to play on a top-notch course, you are looking to spend anywhere from $150 a pop.  If you want to go real classy, you can purchase a membership for upwards of $10,000 a year!   On the other hand, if you wanted to play a low-end course you can play a round for under $10.  A nice, classy girl that my mother would like me to play with will probably cost me about $100-$150 a night at dinner and on average about $250 a week on gifts and flowers.  That can easily bring me up to about $15,000 a year to be in her membership club.  The membership at the course comes with a golf cart to drive around with...my girl ain't buying me no golf cart.  But, if you decide to go with the $10 hooker that you find on the corner, she will probably have critters crawling around on her green and you'd wish you had brought your bug spray..., no bueno.

Still not convinced? 

Every shot you take in golf has to be calculated.  You have to take into account the wind, the terrain, the distance, the slope, the amount of power you put into your swing, your foot placement, your grip, your knee flexation and many more things.  With women you must ALSO calculate and carefully plan EVERY move you make, starting with the approach at the bar, the drink you buy her, where you are looking when you talk to her, where you are looking when you are NOT talking to her, what to say when you want her to leave with you, what to say on the way home to keep her interested before she realizes what a huge mistake she made, what to say once you are actually in your house, and so many other little things that occur during the night.  

Another thing- some of the guys that are really, REALLY good at golf look like they could be one hot dog away from having a stroke on the course (cough*/johndaly\*cough).  Others just look like a complete goofball that should probably be the clown at your little cousins bar mitzvah (cough*/philmickelson\*cough).  Same with girls, the best looking guys don't always get the best looking girls, you just have to know how to handle the situation.  I have seen some really ugly guys with some really not ugly girls.  You just have to know how to play the game.

I have only touched on a few of the things that bring the game of golf and the game of girl closer together.   There are a plethora other similarities that you can come up with but I will leave you with the most obvious and final one: 

At the end of the day, the final objective is to get it in the hole with the least amount of effort.
BP, 11.11.08
Blood Was a Bad Choice

So theres a blood drive all week at Nova Southeastern, and if you donate, you get an extra point in three of your classes.  However, if you donate platelets yesterday or today and then whole blood on friday, you get two points, which I really need.

The platelets process is waiting for two hours and then you get strapped to the machine for another 45 minutes to an hour. So I do all that for the platelets, and about 10 minutes into the blood draw, the guy notices that the machine has accidentally also been drawing my plasma...which then means I can't donate blood again on friday.

So I basically waited two hours to have a painful one hour procedure done to me instead of a quick 15 minute normal blood draw, and now I can't get the extra points because the machine [messed] up and drew blood it shouldnt have.

Mandellicatessan, Guest Writer, 11.11.08